Monday, March 21, 2011

Our house dedication...

It went very well and we had about 117 guests and 4 attending via skype! =)
Here is a pic of my dad's favorite chemo nurse and my fav too! =) I love you Liza! Thanks for everything you did for my dad!!!! The medal around my dad's neck is from a marathon that Liza ran for my dad! :-)


:)Kenzie(: said...

Sorry I missed it :( We didn't know exactly where you lived and we just got back from my grandpa's bday party LOL! Oh, and we weren't expecting you anyone to pick us up LOL!!

Michael Wright said...

Its okay! :)

Michael Wright said...

oops that was me Luanna...

Kristel said...

Wow! I'm sorry I missed ur house dedication, but it sounds like it was awesome. 117 guests and 4 on skype is a LOT of people!!!