Tuesday, May 10, 2011

gardening =)

Hello, readers! =) How are you doing today? So far...I am doing okay! I thought I would do this fun post on gardening because that is one of my recent hobbies! =) Well, sorta! I was at target and got very inspired to do some gardening! so I planted-tomatos, watermelon, daisies, and sunflowers! Very weird combination right?! But, anyway! So far I am just misting them with water everyday sometimes two or three times because it has been so hot here! So I really enjoyed planting them! We bought some potting soil...it was so lucious! and looked so good for my seeds to grow in! I will try to post some pictures of my actual stuff but for now-here are some pictures =)

Hope ya'll have a great day! I am excited 'bout doing this kind of post every day! Let me know if you enjoy this! =) I sure do!


Brianna said...

Sounds fun! :D

Jessica G said...

Maybe we can have a garden at the next place in which we live. I know the kids would enjoy it.

Luanna Joy Wright said...

Nan-it is :)

Jessica-yes, it is very fun! I hope to start a bigger garden some year...not this year though! Just a few things..=)

Anonymous said...

Gardening is so soothing and relaxing...or so I've heard...I don't have a green thumb, so all of my plants wither and die away.

Luanna Joy Wright said...

Aw you could do it Ambrosia =) I love the nickname!

Kristel said...

I am hoping to grow a garden in our back yard... it's not working out too well though. =( Good luck on yours though!!