Monday, May 9, 2011


 The past two days the weather has been AmAzInG! :) Very warm and beautiful...and today the high is 90 degrees! I am lovin it!!!
I love this time of year where you can run outside in your barefeet and just lay outside in the shade! ;) its a very relaxing and beautiful time of year! it also means that summer is right around the corner and for us, our last day of school is May 27th!
 I do have to finish out all of my lessons for Algebra so I wont be done with algebra until like June 1 or so but that is no biggie. And I will continue my violin lessons until I am complete with the course I am taking!
So I am very excited to be done with school...and that is in just about 3 weeks! Yay!
 So...what is your favorite things about summer and when do you get out of school?!

Another one of my favorite things is fruit! we eat fruit up around here like it is goin' out of style! and summer means-strawberries, watermelon, cantelope, etc! and that is LOVE for me! One time...I actually accidently ate a whole watermelon by myself! Does that tell you anything about me?!
 Comment and let me know! If you are a mother or an adult who is not in school; what are some of the exciting things that are coming up for you?! Hope you all have a fantastic day and week! I will be back tomorrow ;) Oh, and how warm or cold is it for where you are?!


Kristel said...

I will be done w/ school on the very same day u are (hopefully)!! ;) i really love this warm weather around here too. Though we don't eat too much fruit 'round here!! I am planning to go to camp, visit my great-grandparents in Indiana, and do a lot of other fun stuff this summer!! TTYL!

Luanna Joy Wright said...

:) Why no fruit?! and sounds cool! what camp are you going to?

Kristel said...

Dunno yet... possibly considering Ocheleta in Okl. We don't eat much fruit I guess bcuz we love junk food! =D