Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hello! We started school on August 31st! It has been going good so far! I am streaming on the internet this year. I am watching the classes that have taken place down where the A Becka Academy is. These are my teachers:

Bible: Mr. Enders
English: Mrs. Schmuck
Math: Mrs. Howe
Science: Miss Stacel
History: Mr. Duby

I had three tests very first tests and here are my grades:

English: 96%
Literature: 100%
History: 94%

English includes Poem, Literature, English and Spelling.

Well, I guess I will say goodbye for now!



Brenda said...

Nice job on your tests! What school are you going through for online streaming?

Luanna Joy Wright said...

Thank you!! To awnser your question about my online streaming I am doing...A Becka is the curriculam we use. Usally mom has taught me but this year I watch it on line. :) Does that awnser your question?? :)

Charity said...

Hey, Lu. Glad school seems to be going ok for you. Hope you enjoy 7th grade. =)

Luanna Joy Wright said...

Thanks, Charity!!