About me :)

hey there.. it's Luanna. also known to some as Lu. :) I'm 16 years old and living through life... life has been so tough for me the past 3 and a half years... but God has been right through it all with me. most of you know my situation... but for those who don't, here is a little background.
My dad broke his leg in March 2010 and they found osteosarcoma cancer had destroyed his femur bone. they had to amputate his leg... then they found the cancer in his lungs... and it's gotten better, and now it's gotten worse again... he had a brain tumor, had that removed, but now the tumors in his lungs are starting to affect his breathing to the point he is on oxygen quite a bit here at home... so that's that. oh and he also has a mass on his hip...aka the butt mass... ohhh, and a spot or two on his arm. so yeah. :(
Living life knowing you may lose your dad to a horrible disease before you even get married...or maybe even graduate high school, is the worst... some times I just cry in the shower... or cry on the phone with my best friend... or just don't know how to take it anymore... but God will be there for me, He will be all I need and more.

I hope you enjoy reading about me...