Wednesday, March 4, 2009

--Forever Be Ready
-Matthew 25:1-13
~By Luanna J. Wright

As a Christian you should always be ready. No one, except God, know when Jesus is coming again. If you want to make it to heaven you should always stay ready, for God could come at any time.

Matthew 25:13 says, "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming."

As you are reading today's devotional, ask yourself if you are ready. Is there anything you have lied about? Have you sinned? Are you even truely saved?

You can definitly be saved. Jesus died on the cross to forgive everybody's sins. So, if you have a sin you need to ask forgiveness for, do it.

If you don't have Jesus in your heart, please ask him!

Hopefully I'll see you in heaven someday!


SJW said...

Great devotional, Lu. Thanks for reminding us of the importance of being ready!

Kristel said...

You are soooo right, Lu! Maybe I should work on some things, too in my life. Where did you get the idea for a devotional? Maybe I'll do one, too! Hope you don't mind that I used your idea. Well, chat with ya later! KK
P.S. How is the family?