Thursday, March 8, 2012 still turning...

my brain, is yes, still turning...
 I still don't know for sure if mom is going or I don't have to make a final decision yet...but of course it still is in my head. thank to Heather and Amy for commenting on my last blog post and saying sweet things! :) I know this may seem small, but to me its big. its a big decision to make because it will be in the past once the weekend is over. I don't want to have regrets. its a decision I am going to have to live with...
I have been trying to get some people (dad, mom, my bff, my sister-kinda-) to help me...but of course I am the one to have to make the final decision. they don't want to influence me in one way ;) I appreciate that alot. lol. but its hard...

I prayed this morning that God will just help me to make the right decision...I will keep you all updated :)

I hope you all are having a lovely week! mine has been a little different...I think March as a whole is going to be "different" but of course, what month isn't?! :)

going to try to blog alot more! :)


SJW said...

March sure has started out with a different feel, hasn't it? And by the end of the month we will be thinking about the fact that is has now been 2 years since OUR lives turned completely upside down...lots of thoughts and feelings wrapped up in this month...

SJW said...

March sure has started out with a different feel, hasn't it? And by the end of the month we will be thinking about the fact that is has now been 2 years since OUR lives turned completely upside down...lots of thoughts and feelings wrapped up in this month...