Monday, October 17, 2011


today a music video by a couple of girls on youtube who Esther and I enjoy watching and listening to came out. its a song that Megan and Liz wrote.
it shows that Liz (the popular girl) bullies Megan...but then on the inside Liz aka the popular girl is very sad deep down because people are saying she isn't pretty or HOT. that is another form of bullying. So Liz, because she is being very hurt, is hurting-bullying-the girl played by Megan.
I also just got done reading a book about autism and bullying tied together in one. in that book, UNLOCKED by Karen Kingsbury, one boy ends up killing himself. he wanted to get out of it but it was too late and his mom couldn't hear him...
my mom told me usually when they commit suicide is a call of help. they are calling out wanting someone to care.
it is really, really sad. my sisters and I-thank you Jesus!-don't have to deal with bullying from going to a school...but there can always be bullying...its just more likely in public schools...and maybe even Christian schools.
Megan and Liz were bullied in middle school....I have never been "bullied"...but any of you out here who have, I am SO sorry.

here is the link to watch it...
(it does have one bad word in the song...and when the girls are taking there clothes off..that sounds way bad but it just shows them taking off all the extras to there outfit etc. and they take off till they are just in a white tank top and jeans. nothing bad. AT ALL :) )

let me know if you watch it.
Luanna Joy

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