Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thought Provoker

In Science, I have these Thought Provokers that I sometimes have to answer. And sometimes they are a bit challenging...but here is one that I answered on my own and mom didn't have to add anything but "Good answer!"

To the materialist, man is no more important that any other part of nature. How does the popularity of abortion show the strong influence of materialism in today's world?

My answer:
Well people kill cows, for example, for beef and not very many people think that's wrong. A cow is a part of nature. To a materialist, if they believe man isn't as important as and other part of nature, they wouldn't think it was wrong to kill an amazing child in the womb. It shows that people must really be nuts in thinking that since it's ok to kill a cow, it must be ok to kill a child because they think man is just as important as a cow. Cows and other things DON'T have souls like babies, children and all ages of MAN have.

Comment and let me know what your answer would be to the question.

Signing out, Luanna


Esther J. said...

Wow Luanna!! That is a REALLY good answer. I like it. :)


Luanna Joy Wright said...

Thanks, sis!

Bethany said...

Good answer! I think it comes down to people of the world living for SELF instead of others. Their own feelings and desires take importance above their baby's life. The baby is viewed as an inconvenience. We live in a world where most of us can get whatever we want! Even if a life hangs in the balance!

Keep thinking thoughts like this! It will continue to make you understand WHY we believe what we do!

--your daddy's cousin, Bethany