Sunday, July 10, 2011

what's on my mind...

well, my mind is full of stuff...not all of it can I say/or its personal stuff so I am not going to say it here publicly but some of it I can...
my dad starts chemo tomorrow and it starts a crazy week of that. him being sick, us being watched by other people, the roller coaster of CANCER. that word has totally changed our lives. and half in a negative way but in a positive way too. you may think its weird I would say that but this has brought from my perspective closerness (not a word but im making it one) with my siblings and growing closer to God, growing closer to our immediate families and close friends...and just realizing really what it means to live day to day in our not all of this was exactly "on my mind" so to speak but its coming as I type. it might go a lot better then expected but it might go worse then expected. actually we aren't sure what to expect except dad being sick and it being another roller coaster. tonight I have just not been myself exactly...just kinda laying/sitting around quietly thinking...watching stuff and just keeping to myself quite a bit. tomorrow is going to be very busy and I don't exactly feel like tackling the day but it might help if I could get a soild night's I need to be thinking about bed soon. I will probably try to get up at a decent time in the morning :) and clean the bathrooms and my room up for company that is coming tomorrow night. then do my violin and get ready to go to my Grandma's house to get ready for our big dinner we are doing tomorrow night for my parents anniversary! its a meal I planned and us two girls are helping cook because we are doing it for our cooking lessons!

this week I hope to include a good sleepover and country day with my besties David and Angela Winkler and their family...we hope to do a rodeo and maybe the pool if they get it back to where we can :) i need some country air again...maybe that would help me a bit...I will just have to see if we can ride up to the pasture again...that is so much funnn!!!

well, I will try to do a more cheery post soon. one that doesn't bring my readers down. sorry if you are gloomy now. a blog is suppose to be about your life, right? what about a fashion post tomorrow? okie dokie that would be a yes! ;)


Miss Music said...

I'm glad to see that you are drawing closer to Jesus through all of this. "IF we never had a problem, we wouldn't know that He could solve them..." Problems can be the vehicles that draw us closer to the One who made us. Love you, praying for you!

SJW said...

I'm so sorry you're having to be this close to this sort of thing at such a young age. But Jesus can help you just like He's been helping your daddy and me. We love you and are going to do our best to care for you guys even when in the middle of dealing with the cancer. I even have an idea for a special activity later in the week...we'll see if it works out! =)

Jana said...

Praying for all of you!! I can't even imagine what you are going through, but God cares!!! Hope your week goes as well as possible!!! :-)

Brianna said...

So sorry that you are having to go through all this. :( But God can, and will, take care of you through it all. We will continue to pray for you and your family! Love ya!!!

Jessica G said...

I can only imagine how tough this is for you. We love you, and we'll keep praying for you!