Monday, July 25, 2011

my weekend...and my week ahead!

hey, hey! it has been one busy, busy weekend! but lots of laughs and fun! we had the Wright-Kimbler Family Reuinion on Saturday, so that was kinda fun! There weren't a lot of people there. but my favorite part was probably hanging out with my new little cousin....Jonathan and Darla's new little foster baby! :) also there were some funny times and laughing! that was fun too. then that evening I went to my Grandma's to finish my skirt I was making with my Grandma Englund. :] it is super, super cute! this morning I just have to finish the hem on it with my mom. then Sunday was church and then we came home for a few hours...maybe 3? and then headed to Kenny and Darlene's for another part of the reuninon so to speak and had food and fun times with the family. Mostly because we had out of town family. Aunt Puzy, Uncle Dave, Danielle, and Dwayne :) they are lots of fun and we enjoyed our time with them. Oh, and since we are mentioning them....Danielle and Dwayne stayed at our house on Friday night! we stayed up pretty late talking and playing on the Wii!

by the way, we got a Wii! :D its lots of fun and a way to get active....and sweaty! lol!!

this morning I am waiting on my dadda to finish getting ready to leave them I will tell him goodbye for the week and probably just have some quiet time for a bit...before  the rest of the family gets up and moving for the day. we will probably leae my house by 12:15 or 12:30...or maybe earlier IF i can talk my mom into something to eat on the way ;)

I will miss blogging, facebooking, and tweeting! but I can do some of that from my phone! ;) so I won't be totally gone!!!!

me and Dwayne :) dadda says he is one of the very few guys dad will (k, dad is on his way now) let me get my picture taken with! :D

and me and my gorgeous cousin Danielle! :)

"So I'll let my words be few...Jesus I am so in love with you!" (words from a song :))
Romans 12:12 "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

So remember how I posted a post about getting the book Leaving? well, the main character is Bailey Flanigan. She is such an inspiration! I love her so much! And Karen Kingsbury is writing this story and using her daughter Kelsey to be Bailey because Kelsey left for college, etc. and Bailey's whole family in the book is exactly Kelsey's except different names :) so Karen, is Jenny in the book playing Bailey's mom. :) neat huh? well, anyway, Bailey (aka Kelsey) has a facebook page and she is always posting the most encouraging verses, thoughts, or quotes. I just absolutely love her page! So those two up there? they came from her page. I posted the first one as my status on facebook. love it!

Anyway, thought I would share that little bit with you....hope you can read those books! I am on the 2nd one in the series and can't wait for the 3rd one to come out! :D

xoxoxo, Luanna Joy
ps. have a fab week!

1 comment:

Kristel said...

Wow u have had a fun weekend!! And I agree Danielle is gorgeous!! Have a fun summer, girlie!!