Thursday, November 3, 2011


today I am thankful for God's Word. Each day either in school or on my own or both I enjoy reading, studying verses for school, listening to my Bible teacher teach, etc. Right now, one of my favorite books is Proverbs. It is has so many wonderful little pieces of wisdom.
I have several favorite Bible people but one of my most favorite is Esther....of course Jesus is AWESOME but Esther...she was amazing. I want her to be my role model!! her courage was so......strong.
Have any of you seen "One Night With The King"? if not, I HIGHLY suggest you all check it out...either on Netflix, at the library, or buy it...
Its one of my top top favorite movies......eva.

Hope you all are having a wonderful was my Friday! so tomorrow...means a day of school! so stoked.
oh and on Saturday-I get to see a someone...:)

stay beautiful<3
Luanna Joy

1 comment:

Debbie S said...

I love God's word! Its his love letter to us..whats your favorite proverb or pslams?

I think I might have seen "One Night With the King" I remember watching an Esther movie..I'm going to see if I can barrow if from the library to see if I have seen it..I just love movies that are based on stories of the bible!

God Bless you, Luanna!