Thursday, May 5, 2011

God IS in control....

Lots of questions and thoughts and confusion and frustration run through people's minds all the time...especially when they are going through a storm...
There are a lot of people who are going through all sorts of storms right now. And believe me...I know how it feels! I have been going through a storm for the past year...some months or weeks or days have been a lot better than others but overall me and my family are still going through it...

Recently we have found out that Dad's cancer has returned in his lungs. Actually, it looks as though it could have been there but just hasn't shown up on past CT scans. This was very hard news for my parents...and as soon as I got the phone call and Dad was telling me about it I cried...
Anyway...we just have to think about the fact that God sees all the beautiful blue skies beyond the dark and rainy ones we see at the moment. As one of my favorite groups, The Collingsworth Family, sings "God sees the storm from the other side....".

I know its hard to always feel like you are going to get out of the storm...but remember God will help you and give you the strength and there will be a bright spot in your tunnel.

Hopefully this will give comfort or remind someone of this! =) God IS in control...and God WILL help you get through your storm. Just TRUST Him! Believe me...I am not perfect. Its been hard for me to see God in this this is just like a note to self as well! =D


Alan and Brenda said...

Luanna, this is such a good post. God is definitely in Control even in the storms! Keep trusting Jesus, He is in the ship with you while you travel the stormy seas.

Unknown said...

Lu, never forgetGod is in control. I have a Neice who has stae 4 cancer and it is in multiple areas and is in her lungs also, it has been there for about two years, but God is in control, she keeps a very positive attitude, she has gained a little control with her legs and is up walking some. I would like to take you out for a special Birthday luncheon since we will both be celebrating the same days, will be talking about this later. Remember God is in control, you are a role model for other girls, keep praying and remember you have lots of people praying for your family every day.

Luanna Joy Wright said...

Sharron-thank you for your encouragement-I would love to go to lunch! Just message me or call me sometime! :D

Brianna said...

I feel so silly talking about our situation when you all are going through SO much...please know that we will be praying for you guys. God is in control! <3

Luanna Joy Wright said...

Nan- DO NOT feel bad! I wasn't meaning to make you feel bad :-) I was meaning for every storm...and that is your storm. :D LOve you girl! I will prayer for you!!!

Kristel said...

I will definitely pray for your family. i agree w/ u, that God IS in control of everything!!

Brianna said...

Thanks Lu. :)