Monday, May 16, 2011

a little bit of my creativity =)

 My friend and I decided to go up ino the mountains and go for a picnic. A soon as we got up there and got situated on the blanket we stared at the wonders befre us. From wher we were sitting, I saw a big majectic waterfal cashing against the rocks. The blue sky was perfectly clear with not a puff around. The air was just perfect. Not too cold or too hot. Just perfect. On down, the waterfall turned into a sparkling stream. Just about 1 mile from where we sat there were the magestic mountains. They were blue were blue with snow capped tops and you could see the ruts in the mountains made by brave souls who climbed them. Black birds climbed up into the ky and flew around the mountains. the ree tress at the base of th montain gave a dark green touch around and gave you the feeling of a jungle and destination of glory! It was definitely a gorgeous scene. It is definitely one of my favorite places to sit and watch God's gorgeous creations.

Written by Luanna J. Wright January 5, 2011. Please don't use without permission :]