Wednesday, May 11, 2011

pop =)

 Heyy everyone! Hope your day is going well! Mine is so far! =) I am going to take 8 minutes to write up this blog post really quick!
 Today's post is going to be on pop! weird topic you may ask?! Well, I personally LOVE pop! My favorite kind is Dr. Pepper and its always fun to have some! Its refreshing, sweet, and tasty! But, did you know that its not good for you?! awful right?! They make it with this certain kind of sweetner that isn't good for you...its called Hight Fructose Corn Syrup. Now, having some different times a week is alright...but having it every day isn't a good idea. You don't want to ruin your body by having some of it. I haven't had pop for oh a day! I think the last time I had it was Monday maybe...or maybe Sunday. Anyway, we only have two cans left in the house of GT cola and one of the is mine =) I might have it today...or I might wait and have pop tonight at the resteraunt we go to but it saves Dad money if we just get water...and that's another thing.
  Pop costs $$ and its better just to get water at a resteraunt or fast food place. Its saves your family money! You can buy a 24 pack and have it at home and not spend as much $!

So, this was a random post I know but lets all try to drink different things this summer and have pop only a few times a week! You may not drink pop at all or you may just not have it in the house and its a treat when you go out to supper and thats fine to =) actually, you may (okay, back to my post, had to go help my brother and then water my plants!) just want to do your own thing but this was just a fun post on pop! And here's a picture-

PS-I just went out to water my plants and I saw that my daisies have already sprouted =) I will keep you posted!

Hope ya'll have an amazing day and I will talk to you tomorrow.

PSS-let me know what you think of my music playlist!!!


Brianna said...

I love pop, but we don't get to have it very often because it is bad for our teeth. Sure wish we could have it more often though! :(

Luanna Joy Wright said...

yeah...I do too! =) We just finished out all our pop here! =(

Kristel said...

Luv pop 2!! My fav kind is Root beer. The only kind of beer I drink!! =D Have a gr8 weekend!